Welcome to Wayne’s World!

Greetings everyone,

My name is Wayne and I’m glad that you’re reading this blog post. To be totally honest this is my first blog, and I’m extremely excited about having a place where I can share some of my knowledge regarding the energy industry and how to manage your energy data (as a business). There isn’t a human being on the planet who knows everything, but I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked in this industry long enough to offer some helpful tips in the realm of managing your energy data, reducing energy costs, and maintaining business capital more efficiently.

Over the past decade, I have been serving businesses across North America (such as Staples/Business Depot, Sobey’s, The Forzani Group, and others) through my company Powerhouse Management Services (located in Ottawa, Canada). One thing that I’ve discovered about the industry is that a lot of businesses are struggling to identify overages in their energy spending, and have no systems that track their energy usage, or monitor the cost of maintaining the capital in their locations.

Imagine that “company A” has 100 business locations.  Now let’s say that each location overspends on their energy bill by $500 per month (which is a realistic number given our experience).  They would be spending approximately $50,000 per month in excess of what their energy bill should cost, and over the span of one year that company will have spent nearly $600, 000.  I don’t know a business in the world that couldn’t use $600,000 in these competitive times.

My goal here at waynebeamish.com is to provide valuable information about energy data, energy consumption and about ways to increase efficiency and profitability in the realm of facility maintenance and business capital.

Pick my brain… leave me a comment or contact me directly by clicking “Contact Me” at the end of the navigation bar in the header, and I’ll be sure to chat with you. If you’re curious to learn more about what I do from day- to day feel free to visit www.powerhousemgt.ca and browse through the pages.

“In sincerity and energy efficiency”
